Tuesday 19 January 2010

Trial two: Long distortion

In my second trial, I looked into the long distortion technique, where a photograph is shot line by line. It is quite impossible with the equipment that I've got as it will have to scan the object 15,000 times to create a similar distortion picture. Therefore I opted for digital tools instead.
First, I've picked an image from the Victorian era that links it with my subject. I then created a canvas which is twice the width. To follow that, I cut the original image line by line, some are more stretched than others, and placed them into the canvas.
Here you can see the original image and an image that I have manipulated through photoshop. I really like the final outcome of this experiment, as it creates a strange aura, a feeling which I would like to include in the final piece. The distortion also reflects to a change, a transition through time or even space. This transition effect is key into communicating the change form the real world to the underworld.