Friday 8 January 2010

Swallowing cities Part 1

After researching on sinkholes, I wanted to look into the effects of them, ie. have they swallowed up parts or whole of a city? And through a few clicks, I've found a few articles that does reflect to that exactly. This is a picture of a sinkhole that happened in 2007 in the Guatemala City neighborhood. The depth of the hole was measured as 220-foot-deep (around 100 metres), which is more than twice the height of the Statue of Liberty. This disaster caused deaths of three people, and reports have suggested it was cause by rainstorms and a ruptured sewer main.
After this event, around a thousand people were forced to evacuate and the zone is now hazardous fearing of more sinkholes around it.

Thoughts: Sinkholes does have the power of swallowing parts, if not a whole neighborhood and its after effects could cause evauation of a town/city. Therefore its power is undeniable.