Friday 5 March 2010

Camille Rose Garcia - “Down The Rabbit Hole” Exhibition

Here is a small preview into Camille Rose Garcia's 'Down The Rabbit Hole' Exhibition. It seems that she has taken it quite literally, as there is a strong sense of the original illustrations from the novel, but in a way, the work has a more 'Spongebob Squarepants' feeling about it.
This reflects on something which I don't want to do. I would like to have a more subtle look to my piece, this means that I don't to link the imagery/stories of Alice in the Wonderland, but still carries a some sort of tie in to it.
Apart from this, I also need to show a sense of disappearing/disappeared city around the final piece. And this means losing the second status from the character, just like Alice have to go back to the real word.
Wonderland is the disappearing city.

More info here.